• When we have received your payment, it may take from 1 up to 10 days before you receive your order. We ship from The Netherlands, so it depends entirely on the fact how far away your country is located from the Netherlands. 
  • Obviously, we can not ship within a day to countries other than the Netherlands, but we always ship as soon as possible.

How do we send?

  • Retro & Design send your package by PostNL and DPD.

What days do we send?

  • We ship every business day.

How do you know when your order is shipped?

  • Very simple: as soon as your order is ready to ship, you will receive an email with shipping confirmation.

What if you have received a shipping confirmation, but your package doesn't arrive?

  • Always consider a delivery period of one till three days (the Netherlands) and up to ten days (ultimate) depending on your country. That is the margin applied by PostNL. DPD may take a little longer, but also here is generally delivered within three days. Saturday and Sunday not included. 
  • If your order is not received within reasonable margins, Email us! Keep in mind we can only conduct an investigation after two weeks. Most lost packages will show up before this time-period. Lost items can only be detected after ten days. You can always email us if you think there has been a problem with the delivery, but we can only start an investigation after ten days. Unfortunately, we can't usually do things earlier if there is a problem.


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