Item 294 of 449

Vintage tin 'Eene vertelling van Dorisje' Albert Heijn

SKU: BT-4344-23
€ 7,95
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Vintage tin 'Eene vertelling van Dorisje' Albert Heijn

  • Manufacturer: Albert Heijn
  • Date of manufacture: 1960/1979

This tin was made by Albert Heijn with an image of four seasons and a story by Dorisje

Winter, spring, summer, and fall. Biscuit tin with four seasons theme. This tin is provided with a hinged lid. The decoration of this tin consists of a dark brown background with various multi-coloured images.

Five stories and five representations of: "A Story from Dorisje", about the winter, spring, summer, and fall. It used to have 400 grams of almond speculaas.

The name Albert Heijn is embossed on the bottom of the tin. A lovely tin for the collector and of course still suitable as a cookie jar. Also beautiful purely as a decoration.

This tin is in a vintage condition with traces of use and age-related traces of wear. Pictures are part of the description.


  • Height: 7.5 cm.
  • Length: 18.5 cm.
  • Width: 12.5 cm.

Eene vertelling van
D O R I S J E 

Wij zaten laatst bij Saartje,
Onze oude goede baker,
Die sprookjes kan vertellen,
Wij dronken chocolade,
En deden honderd vragen.

In' t einde zei ons Saartje:
Wel nu, mijn hartediefjes!
Gij kent de vier getijden,
Wat houd gij voor het beste?

Die tijd is mij het liefste, wanneer de boomen bloeien,
Is dat niet in de lente?

Neen ik verkies den zomer
Zei Keesje, dan is het kermis,
Dan hoef ik niet te leeren.

Maar ik zei, 't is het beste,
Als meest de vrugten rijp zijn.
Dan valt er braaf te knappen.
Dan heeft men abricoozen,
En pruimen, en morellen
En perzikken, en peeren:
En is dat niet in het najaar?

De winter, lieve Saartje!
Zei Pietje, is de beste,
Dan hooren wij vertellen,
En drinken chocolade, Of eeten dikke wafels.

Albert Heijn (supermarket)
Albert Heijn Sr. Comes from the Heijn family from Oostzaan. In 1887 he took over from his father Jan Heijn his grocery store in the Kerkbuurt of Oostzaan. Eight years later he opened the first branch in Purmerend and in Zaandam, he opened a Central Warehouse in 1899.

The first products under their own brand were sold in 1910. The basis for their own production companies was laid in 1911, also in Zaandam, where roasting coffee and baking cakes were started in the kitchen of an old mansion. Factories for rusk, liquorice, coffee, tea, wine and other products appeared along the Zaan. In 1920 the Company for the Exploitation of Factories and Trade was founded. Anton Jurgens of Anton Jurgens' Margarinefabrieken N.V., one of Unilever's predecessors, bought half of the ordinary share capital (which he sold again in 1927 after a disagreement with Mr Heijn). In the same year, son-in-law Johan Hille and sons Jan and Gerrit Heijn took over the management.

Seven years later, in 1927, the store chain celebrated its 40th anniversary. The company now had 107 branches and was awarded the title of Royal Warrant Holder. Anton Jurgens was bought out.

Albert Heijn Senior died in 1945 at the age of 80. Three years later, the company went public.

In 1952 Albert Heijn opened its first self-service shop in Schiedam. This is in imitation of Gebroeders van Woerkom, who on November 26, 1946, was the first in the Netherlands to open a self-service shop in Nijmegen, based on an American example.

The current Albert Heijn logo has existed since 1965 and is a design by James Pilditch and John Harris of the trademark agency AID. Before that, the concern had a logo in the 1920s in which the A and H were intertwined. At the end of the 1930s, the letters stood side by side with the slogan "for quality" below. After Albert Heijn was appointed purveyor to the court, the coat of arms belonging to this title appeared in the logo of the supermarket chain from the 1950s. Since 1966, the Pilditch logo is used, the blue intertwined A and H.

In 1952 Albert Heijn opened its first self-service store in Schiedam.

Some translations come from an automated system and may contain errors

Country of origin
The Netherlands - Holland

Kind of object
Biscuit tin - cookie tin

Dorisje - story - seasons - speculaas - tin - packaging

Various drawn images related to spring, summer, autumn and winter

Vintage tins

Dark brown - gold - multi-coloured

Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn B.V.


Albert Heijn

Tin - metal - paint

Hinged lid

1960 - 1979

Good vintage condition with traces of use

7,50 cm

18,50 cm

12,50 cm

Shipping method
Parcel post with track & trace

Our items are second-hand and may show slight signs of use. These are mentioned as accurately as possible and, if feasible, shown in the photos.
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