Item 297 of 1151

Vintage Douwe Egberts tin with rounded hinged lid and image of birds and flowers

SKU: BT-4160-23


Vintage Douwe Egberts tin with rounded hinged lid and image of birds and flowers

  • Manufacturer: Dutch united tin factories
  • Manufacture date: 1963 - 1965

Rectangular white drum with rounded lid with an image of birds by Douwe Egberts

A beautiful vintage tin by Douwe Egberts with a hinged lid and standing on small ball feet expressed in the tin. The sides are decorated with a gold-coloured striped pattern on a white background. The lid has a so-called 'closing front' at the front and is decorated with a multicoloured abstract representation of birds and flowers. Clean gold-coloured interior.

Rectangular biscuit tin with pressed out or protruding legs in the bottom. The lid is domed, with a small handle and 10-piece hanging hinge. The bottom is seamed inwards, whereby the body turns slightly. The motif with the flowers and the bluebirds was made by the artist on behalf of Douwe Egberts. The drum with a 250-gram pack of DE Roodmerk coffee was available for Fl. 2.48.

This beautiful tin is in very neat condition with minimal traces of use and very minor age-related traces of wear. Photos are part of the description.


  • Height: 7.5 cm.
  • Width: 9 cm.
  • Length: 16.5 cm.

Douwe Egberts
In 1753 Egbert Douwes and his wife Akke Thijsses opened their grocery store in colonial goods "De Witte Os". At the Midstraat in Joure, they lay the foundation for the Douwe Egberts and Pickwick brands. Coffee, tea and tobacco are the main products.

Douwe Egberts has been around for more than 260 years. The brand was founded in 1753 in a small grocery store in Joure. Douwe Egberts has brought several successful, innovative ideas to the market. For example, in 1924 the gift system was introduced by means of the loyalty points on the packaging that people could collect. This system, which still exists, is now one of the oldest savings systems in the Netherlands. Douwe Egberts has developed various innovative coffee machines over the years. The Douwe Egberts brand has become an integral part of Dutch society.

Some translations come from an automated system and may contain errors. 

Douwe Egberts
In 1753 openen Egbert Douwes en zijn vrouw Akke Thijsses, hun kruidenierswinkel in koloniale waren "De Witte Os". Aan de Midstraat in Joure leggen zij zo de basis voor de merken Douwe Egberts en Pickwick. Koffie, thee en tabak zijn de belangrijkste producten.

Douwe Egberts bestaat al meer dan 260 jaar. Het merk is in 1753 ontstaan in een klein kruidenierswinkeltje in Joure. Douwe Egberts heeft verschillende succesvolle, vernieuwende ideeën op de markt gebracht. Zo werd in 1924 het geschenksysteem geïntroduceerd door middel van de spaarpunten op de verpakking die mensen konden verzamelen. Dit systeem, dat nog steeds bestaat, is inmiddels een van de oudste spaarsystemen in Nederland. Douwe Egberts ontwikkelde door de jaren heen verschillende innovatieve koffiezetapparaten. Het merk Douwe Egberts is niet meer weg te denken uit de Nederlandse samenleving.

Country of origin
The Netherlands - Holland

Kind of object
Douwe Egberts coffee tin with floral and bird motif

Douwe Egberts - coffee - storage tin

Stylized flowers and birds

Vintage tins


Douwe Egberts B.V. Joure

Nederlands Vereenigde blikfabrieken

Douwe Egberts

Tin - metal - paint

Hinged convex lid

1963 till 1965

Brocante with traces of use and wear

7,50 cm

16,00 cm

9,50 cm

Shipping method
Parcel post with track & trace

Our items are second-hand and may show slight signs of use. These are mentioned as accurately as possible and, if feasible, shown in the photos.
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