Item 358 of 1139

Vintage wall coffee grinder Zassenhaus by Pe De with Douwe Egberts logo

SKU: BR-3925-22

Vintage wall coffee grinder Zassenhaus by Pe De with Douwe Egberts logo

  • Manufacturer: Pe De
  • Date of manufacture: 1936 - 1960

Vintage Zassenhaus coffee wall grinder for Douwe Egberts

Wall coffee grinder of the brand Douwe Egberts mounted on a wooden plate. At the top is a cream-white earthenware container for coffee beans closed with a lid. The lid is black and made of wood. On the reservoir the logo of Douwe Egberts: D.E. and the text "COFFEE". Below that is the grinding mechanism that is manually operated with a rotary lever. Underneath is a glass container.

This Zassenhaus wall coffee grinder from Pe De was an item from the gift shop of DE and has been put back into production many times. Older versions have a curved hand crank. From 1939 the Zassenhaus wall coffee grinder was already available at DE points.

Progressive and innovative: this coffee grinder definitely was when it came on the market in 1936. With the grinder you could grind the beans with the hand crank, ready for a fresh pot of coffee. The mill remained popular well into the 1960s, when electric mills were already available.

This wall coffee grinder is in a good and neat vintage condition with minimal traces of use and age-related traces of wear. Photos are part of the description.


  • Entire height ± 35 cm.
  • Entire width ± 13 cm.
  •  Entire depth ± 18 cm.

Douwe Egberts started in Joure. The history of the company and the coffee and tea collection are housed in this first factory from 1898.
How do the coffee berries and tea leaves of the plant end up in the cup, preferably in beautiful crockery?

Douwe Egberts was the first to start with customer loyalty through a savings system. In 1924, value points were added to the coffee packaging with which 'encore items' could be saved. Flip en Flap's children's books were the first gift item.
In the early years, Frisian folk art was added: Hindelooper painting, Makkumer pottery and Frisian copper art by coppersmith Dijkstra.

Later on, it was possible to save for coffee and tea-related items such as coffee grinders, crockery and coffee makers. The Zassenhaus wall coffee grinder has always remained a popular gift item. First for use, later for decoration. Today visitors, young and old, can grind freshly roasted coffee beans in the coffee department itself with this Zassenhaus wall coffee grinder.

Some translations come from an automated system and may contain errors.

Country of origin
The Netherlands - Holland

Kind of object
Douwe Egberts wall coffee grinder

Coffee grinder - wall model - grind - coffee - Pe De - Zassenhaus

Logo Douwe Egbert D.E.


Cream - red - black - gold


Pe De

Douwe Egberts

Pottery - glass - wood - metal

Curved pendulum - Zassenhaus by Pe De with Douwe Egberts logo

1936 - 1960

Good vintage condition

35,00 cm

18,00 cm

13,00 vm

Shipping method
Parcel post with track & trace

Our items are second-hand and may show slight signs of use. These are mentioned as accurately as possible and, if feasible, shown in the photos.
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